Frequently asked questions

If you have questions about any aspect of going Smokefree then this section may be able to help. More answers to frequently asked questions are available on the national Smokefree website. You can view all of the common questions about quitting below, or select a category on the left to filter the questions by category.

I am using champix and it is making me feel nauseous

If you are feeling nausea it is often a good idea to try taking your tablet after food. Often this seems to help to settle the stomach. 

If it continues you could consider dropping to the lower dosage of 0.5mg twice a day and see if this helps. Speak to your advisor or GP to get more advice.

Can I use NRT while I’m pregnant?

Most pregnant women can use NRT. It’s important to talk it through with your doctor or midwife first. They can help you to weigh up the risks of continuing to smoke against the benefits of stopping using NRT. Using NRT is safer than smoking because it doesn’t contain poisons like tar or carbon monoxide.