Champix is what is known as a partial agonist which means that it works in two ways; it both reduces cravings for and reduces the reward you get from cigarettes. The treatment takes place over a twelve week period.
You can’t buy Champix over the counter at your local pharmacy so you will need to speak to your GP if you are interested in using it.
Champix is really easy to take and the tablets usually come in boxes of two weeks. The first two weeks is known as the starter pack and the days are numbered down the side of the box so it is easy to see what day you are on. There is even a section for you to write in the day you are aiming to quit – it’s a very important day and one you will want to remember.
Over the first fourteen days you will find as the strength of the tablets increases these effects will become more noticeable. For some individuals when they start the medication they will go longer between their cigarettes and for others they may find their cigarette start tasting unpleasant. All these changes to your cigarettes will help you set a quit date within the first two weeks, ideally by day fourteen. It is important that even after you have quit you continue to take the tablets.
If after the first two weeks you have not stopped smoking the treatment is usually stopped.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or under the age of eighteen you won’t be able to use Champix.
When you take Champix you should take it with or after food with a glass of water. Remember don’t chew the tablet.