A microtab is a small tablet that you place under your tongue to help with nicotine cravings.
It dissolves over a period of around twenty minutes to slowly release a dose of nicotine.
It is only available in one strength so if you are a heavy smoker you can use two tablets together to help ease strong cravings.
You can use a maximum of forty tablets a day but you must make sure that you wait about fifteen minutes before having a drink after using a tablet as it can wash the nicotine away.
The tablets have quite a strong hot peppery flavour which isn’t for everyone but if you are a heavy smoker the strong nicotine taste can be quite comforting.
As with other oral nicotine replacement products the microtab can cause indigestion if you swallow a lot of the nicotine with their saliva. Soreness and ulcers under the tongue are other reasons why users stop using this product.
Avoid drinks containing alcohol, caffeine and carbon dioxide. It is also advised to avoid citrus based juices.